MSC2015 | 21-23 September 2015 | Novotel Manly Pacific | Sydney, Australia
-3444 days left until the Conference

Video Contest

The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) is proud to present the second IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest.

The IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest opens for submissions on January 1st 2015. Everybody from within and from outside the controls community is invited to participate. High school students, undergraduate and graduate students of all majors, as well as researchers from all over the world are eligible for participation.

Participants are asked to prepare a video clip on a subject related to control theory or automatic control. The video can focus on a particular topic or on the field in general, but is required to have the potential to promote the field.

After the submission deadline the winners of the IEEE CSS Video Clip Contest 2015 are determined by a jury and officially announced during the CSS Video Clip Contest Awards ceremony that iss held during the 2015 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2015) in Sydney, Australia.