MSC2015 | 21-23 September 2015 | Novotel Manly Pacific | Sydney, Australia
-3444 days left until the Conference

Sponsorship & Exhibition

Host Sponsors

University of Newcastle UNSW Canberra

Gold Partners

University of NewcastleCDSC logo UNSW Canberra UNSW Canberra

Silver Partners

Mathworks logo UNSW Canberra

Workshop / Session Sponsor

CRC press

Student Finalists Prize Sponsor

CRC press

Conference supporter

Technically co-sponsored by IFAC


Mathworks logo ASES-dSpace Emona
Mathworks logo Springer University of NewcastleCDSC logo


The Organising Committee for The 2015 Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC) are dedicated to matching partnership and exhibition packages to your organisation’s requirements. An exciting range of conference partnership opportunities have been developed to ensure a successful outcome for all stakeholders.

Early confirmation of your partnership will ensure an even higher level of exposure. An extensive promotional campaign – including direct mail campaigns, email broadcasts and web exposure – will be implemented. Take advantage of the opportunity for your organisation to be represented as a key partner or exhibitor of the 2015 Multi-Conference – well in advance of the actual dates.

To view the opportunities available please view the Partnership and Exhibition Prospectus here
Application Form
Terms & Conditions

For further information please contact

MSC2015 Sponsorship & Exhibition Sales Manager

ICMS Australasia
Level 9, 234 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: +617 3255 1002