MSC2015 | 21-23 September 2015 | Novotel Manly Pacific | Sydney, Australia
-3444 days left until the Conference


Accommodation is limited - please register early to secure your room.

Conference Format

The MSC2015 Conference will run for three days between 21 - 23 September at the Novotel Manly Pacific and will include oral, poster, keynote and plenary sessions as well as a video competition. The program will include a small exhibition, welcome reception and Gala Dinner.

All fees are quoted in Australian dollars (AUD) and are inclusive of 10% GST. Registration cut-off dates come into effect midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time.

How to Register

Register now!

To register online for the Conference, please click on the button and follow the instructions to complete your registration.

Early bird registration closes on 15 August 2015.

Registration fees

All fees are quoted in Australian dollars (AU$) and are inclusive of 10% GST.

  Advanced Rate
On or before 15 August 2015
After 15 August 2015
IEEE Member AU$836 AU$1056
Non-Member AU$891 AU$1155
Reduced* AU$418 AU$528

*Reduced rate applies to Life Member, Life Senior Member, Life Fellow, Student, Retiree

Registration Entitlements

Delegate registration includes:

  • Entry to all conference sessions and exhibition
  • Upload up to three (3) conference papers each of up to six pages
  • Ticket to the Welcome Reception
  • Ticket to the Gala Dinner
  • Morning and afternoon teas
  • Conference satchel
  • Conference materials

Reduced registration includes:

  • Entry to all conference sessions and exhibition
  • One (1) paper of six pages
  • Ticket to the Welcome Reception
  • Morning and afternoon teas
  • Conference satchel
  • Conference materials

Method of Payment

Payment of fees must accompany all registration forms. No registration will be confirmed until payment is received. Payment can be made by the following methods:

  • Credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diners Club
  • Personal or company cheque (Australian delegates only) made payable to: "IEEE MULTI-CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS AND CONTROL 2015" must be received by 1 September 2015.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)*: Please use the following bank details:
    Account BSB: 012110
    Account Number: 2894-76244

*Please ensure you send the remittance advice to the Conference Secretariat to notify them of your funds transfer.

Payment Deadlines

Registrations received on or before 15 August 2015 must be paid in full by 15 August 2015 in order to receive the early bird registration rate. Failure to adhere to the deadlines will result in your registration being automatically moved up to the next registration rate. Registrations received between 22 July 2015 and 20 September 2015 must be paid in full by 20 September 2015 in order to receive full registration entitlements.

Cancellation of Registration

Deadline: 15 August 2015

Cancellations must be made in writing to the MSC2015 Conference Secretariat. Cancellations received prior to 15 August 2015 will receive a full refund less an AUD150 administration fee. Cancellations received after 15 August 2015 will not be refunded. The committee will consider cancellations of registration under exceptional circumstances. Refunds will not be granted on failure of visa application; however substitute delegates will be accepted if notice in writing is received by the MSC2015 Conference Secretariat.

Visa and other letters

The Conference Secretariat will assist with visa and other letters required for participation at MSC2015. Please note that we will only prepare letters after a delegate has registered, no letters will be prepared before the registration has been completed. The confirmation letter sent to confirm registration should be sufficient for visa applications according to the Australian Department of Immigration.

For further information on Australian Visas please click here.


The information on this website is provided without any express or implied warranty as to its accuracy. All best endeavours will be made to present the Conference program as detailed on this website. The Conference Organisers and their agents reserve the right to alter without prior notice any of the arrangements, program, events, speakers or other items relating to the Conference for any reason. The Conference Organisers will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the delegate in the event of the cancellation or alternation of the Conference arising from any cause whatsoever. For clarity, Conference Organisers will not be liable for any costs of accommodation, transport or additional services incurred or sustained by the delegate or any additional expenses incurred by the delegate as a result of the cancellation or alteration of the Conference.

Participants are advised to take out personal travel insurance and to extend their policy to cover loss or theft of personal possessions and cancellation of bookings. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Conference Organisers and their agents accept no liability for any accident, injury or death of a delegate or loss (direct or indirect) or damage to personal effects whether or not arising from the negligence of the Conference Organisers.


Conference Organisers will collect personal information from you, including your name, address, telephone contact numbers and email address, in order to process your registration for the Conference.

Personal information provided to Conference Organisers will be diligently stored and used by Conference Organisers to communicate details of the Conference with you and to confirm your registration and (where applicable) accommodation booking. Such collection, storage and use of your personal information will be in accordance with Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).

Registration Enquiries