MSC2015 | 21-23 September 2015 | Novotel Manly Pacific | Sydney, Australia
-3407 days left until the Conference

Special Session

MSC2015 Special Session
1200 - 1300
Monday 21 September
Clarendon Room

Control Education and Industrial Development using MATLAB/Simulink

Organiser: Liuping Wang, RMIT University, Australia

Enhancing undergraduate education via deeper adoption of MATLAB and Simulink

Speakers: Craig Buhr and Bradley Horton, MathWorks.

In this presentation, MathWorks engineers will describe and demonstrate some of the latest tools and resources for supporting the teaching of engineering concepts. Whether we like it or not, engineering students are seeking classroom experiences that go beyond the typical “chalk and talk” of decades past. Even in the early foundation years of a typical engineering programme, educators are looking for teaching methods that reinforce technical topics while also instilling a sense of curiosity and fun in their students. During this session we’ll review how MATLAB and Simulink allow Educators to support Project Based learning approaches, in particular the support of projects that involve low cost hardware such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi and LEGO. The session will also signpost where educators can access free curriculum material to supplement their teaching objectives and also a demonstration of the new automated grading tool that allows MATLAB programming assignments to be posed and assessed online.

Model Based Design adoption and Open Innovation initiatives

Speakers: Troy Robinette and Farzad Keynejad, ANCA Motion

In this presentation, ANCA Motion representatives will introduce ANCA Motion’s history in developing innovative precision motion control systems over the last 40 years and recent collaboration initiatives with local universities. The session will also cover how ANCA Motion have adopted Model Based Design for its servo drive development and demonstrate how it has been applied to showcase their latest LinX linear motor innovation within less than a weeks’ worth of development time.

About the speakers

Craig Buhr Buhr

Craig Buhr Buhr joined MathWorks in 2003 as a Senior Developer. He currently manages the Control Design development team, whose focus is developing tools for the design and analysis of control systems. His research interests include dynamic system modelling and identification, linear systems and control theory. Craig received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University.

Bradley Horton

Bradley Horton joined MathWorks Australia in April 2006 and currently holds the position of Principal Engineer within the Education marketing group. He has spent the last 15 years helping clients from both commercial and academic sectors, adopt and implement MathWorks products. Brad has supported and consulted for clients on projects ranging from process control engineering, power systems simulation, military operations research and earthquake impact modelling. Before joining the MathWorks, Brad spent 5 years as a systems engineer with the Defence Science & Technology Organisation (DSTO) working as an operations research analyst. Brad holds a B.Eng. in mechanical engineering and a B.Sc. in applied mathematics.

Troy Robinette

Troy Robinette joined ANCA Motion in 2008 as the Engineering Manager and currently is heading up the Research and Development activities within the company. He is passionate about applying innovative technologies to allow customers to grow and take on global markets and actively pursuing collaboration opportunities with research and academic institutions to take on the challenges of tomorrow. Troy has broad range of experiences including development of automotive By Wire systems, CNC machine control and servo drive development. Troy holds an A.Dip in Applied Physics and Computing and a B.Sc. in Computer Science.

Farzad Keynejad

Farzad Keynejad joined ANCA Motion in 2011 as Systems Engineer and currently leads the Embedded Software development team, whose focus is developing software for ANCA Motion’s servo drives and IO products. His research interests are dynamic optimization, optimal control, motion control and robotics. Farzad received his Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Melbourne and B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering respectively from Sharif University of Technology and Tehran Polytechnic, Iran.